Spooky Science Lab Live

Below are the images from the slideshow that accompanied Spooky Science Lab Live (Season 2, Episode 1)!

Scroll through while you listen or afterward!



“Hello and welcome to a very special episode of Spooky Science Lab…”

“This is what they pulled out of the earth…”

“Later, a CT scan was taken of the discovery…”

“…enjoy this actual photo of the 4,000-year-old preserved body hair found on Cashel Man…”

“…a type of moss called sphagnum moss, also known as peat moss…”

“…at first people thought he might be a recent murder victim…”

“Tollund Man wore a pointed cap of sheepskin and wool…”

“…and that is her beautiful red hair…”

“…reconstructed her head as best he could…”

“…our old friend Cashel Man as well…”

“…what do aliens look like?”

“…like the gray aliens that have become such a cliche…”

“…that’s a hyphal network…”

“…Larry Niven’s Puppeteers…”

“…the answer, if you’ll excuse the phrase, will surprise you…”

“…let’s look at the most intelligent creatures on Earth…”

“…they’re going to be very, very good at manipulating their environment, like this guy…”

“Then the Archaeopteryx came along…”

“Our aliens will probably have hands, too…”

“Oh, and you also need eyes…”

“…a lot of exobiologists agree that aliens are probably going to look like this…”

“Instead, I’m more likely to meet aliens that look like this…”

“Thank you and good night!”

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