News & Blog

My Necon 35 Programming Schedule

Last weekend was Readercon, and this weekend is Necon! The final program for Necon 35 has been announced on the website. Here’s where you’ll find me:


1 p.m. — Weird Boiled: Detectives, Horror, and Urban Fantasy
Nicholas Kaufmann (M), Seanan McGuire, Chuck Wendig, Dana Cameron, James Chambers, Jan Kozlowski
Paranormal mysteries, urban fantasies, weird-boiled detectives, call them what you will but genre-blending in the contemporary and urban landscape shows no signs of abating. What is the appeal of these crossovers, and how do writers keep them fresh and interesting? Our practiced panelists discuss the strengths and pitfalls of the most popular subgenre in horror.

There are some real heavy-hitters on this panel, so I think it’s going to be both very informative and a lot of fun.

8 p.m. — Meet the Authors Party

I’ll be on hand with an unfortunately small amount copies of Die and Stay Dead to sell (I gave so many of my copies away at BEA!), although I’ll be happy to sign anything of mine you bring along. What’s more, I’m pretty sure the dealers room will have copies of all my books if you want to snag one.


9 p.m. — The Infamous Necon Roast

Jeff Strand and I will be co-hosting the 35th annual Necon Roast. Who will be our esteemed roastee? You’ll have to be there to find out! (Please do not bring pie.)


11 a.m. — Necon Town Meeting
Includes awarding of Necon Olympic Medals and winners of the Hawaiian Shirt Contest.

Also, come tell me and the other committee members your ideas for next year’s panels, as well as any suggestions you may have for future guests of honor.

I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

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