News & Blog

A New Interview with Me at This Is Horror

There’s a new interview with me, courtesy of Bob Pastorella at This Is Horror, as we approach the publication of THE STONE SERPENT on 11/29! It covers topics like how I got into horror writing, what I’m working on, my writing routine, who I admire in the horror world, and more.

Click the quote below to read the whole thing:

No day ever feels like I’ve been productive enough, and I have frequent bouts of self-doubt, but I’ve been at this long enough to know the answer is to just keep doing the work. That’s the answer to every gripe a writer might have. Books aren’t selling? Keep doing the work. Having trouble finding an agent? Keep doing the work. Bad reviews? Keep doing the work. If anyone asks me for writing advice, that’s what I tell them. Keep doing the work.

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